NotHangover: Power Up


One Show Young Ones Brief: Create a launch campaign for NotHangover to be deployed in the US that will create PR and social media buzz.

Insight: People don’t like the feeling of being hungover.

Big Idea: You feel like you have super powers the day after drinking instead of being hungover.

Art Directors: Lara Molinari, Marlana Bianchi

Copywriter: Jack Levin

Case Study Video

Launching a new product: NotHangover

To launch NotHangover, we created “NotHangover: Power Up”. By partnering with Call of Duty: Warzone, we’re showing gamers just how powerful NotHangover can make you feel.

NotHangover Call of Duty: Warzone Characters

We created video game characters based on the NotHangover flavor names (Stayed in Vegas, Headache Shield, and Back from the Dead) that have special power boosts to portray the benefits of taking NotHangover.

Stayed in Vegas, named after the flavor of the same name, with her Extra Strength Power Up and PUKE Grenade

Headache Shield, named after the flavor of the same name, with his Defense Power Up and Migraine Machine Gun

Back from the Dead, named after the flavor of the same name, with his Energy Power Up and Thirst Shotgun

The characters are placed in the Warzone in-game map, and players can go find them by using the icons on the map. Once they do, they can click on them to see their attributes. They can then select the character to obtain the character’s likeness, weapons, and power ups.

Call Of Duty: Warzone

Stayed in Vegas’ attributes: the Extra Strength Power Up and the PUKE Grenade

Once a player wins with a NotHangover character, a branded victory screen will be shown introducing the product and providing a unique coupon code for a free bottle of NotHangover.


Pop-up screen once a player wins with a NotHangover character

QR code to NotHangover’s website and a unique coupon code for a free bottle of NotHangover


Salary Silence