The Path To The End Of Your Night


Insight: People often visit quick service restaurants late at night after going out.

Big Idea: The McDonald’s arches are the consumers’ path to the end of their night.

Art Directors: Lara Molinari, Marlana Bianchi

Copywriter: Brooke Hirsch


Filter that, while it’s being used, uses the platform’s geolocation technology to guide users to the nearest McDonald’s using the arches.

Snapchat Filter

Sticking a QR code to bathroom mirrors in bars so, when users take a mirror selfie, the camera app can scan the code and take them to the filter where they can take a picture and share it.

Snapchat Filter

Outdoor - Blacklight Path

Using blacklight paint to trace a path from a bar to its nearest McDonald’s.

Outdoor - Projected Path

Using projectors to trace a path from a bar to its nearest McDonald’s.

Outdoor - Drone Light Show

Using light-up drones to trace a path from a bar to its nearest McDonald’s.


Spotify FM


Whiff Of Terror